From Toyin Omotoso
"New Book Reveals: How to Reprogram Your Mind to Attract More Money & Prosperity Into Your Life"

From: Toyin Omotoso
Lekki, Lagos
Dear friend,
If you would like to become the type of person that consistently attracts money, success and abundance into their life, then I have some good news for you.
You see...
About 10 years ago, I discovered a powerful truth that changed my life.
I found out that the ONLY way to truly end money worries is by understanding and knowing what to do to attract more money into your life anytime.
Think about it.
Why do you think some people almost always know exactly what to do in order to make money and become truly successful?
We both know it has nothing to do with education
A lot of Phd. holders and professors are struggling financially
And it has nothing to do with lack of information
Truth is there is more information available today about doing business and making more
Why do you also think the majority of the populations tend to struggle to succeed in business?
In Order to Attract More Money and Abundance Into Your Life on A Consistent Basis, You Have to Become What I Call a "Live Breathing Cash Machine" (LBCM)
DEFINITION: A "Live Breathing Cash Machine" is someone who has developed a prosperity mindset that consistently attracts abundance and money into his life.
He also knows exactly what to do in order to start a business or generate money whenever he wants it.
When I discovered this truth, I set out to turn myself into a "Live Breathing Cash Machine" or LBCM for short.
It was a long and hard journey but I was determined.
I had to read over 700 books, attended various trainings and subscribed to various newsletters in order to reprogram my mind and turn myself into a live breathing cash machine.
Turning yourself into a live breathing cash machine is more of a journey than a destination because you will always be learning new things as long as you are alive
TRUTH IS - If you take away all the money, resources, network and everything an LBCM has today, just give him anything from 1-3 months and he will be back with more cash.
That is because as long as he is still breathing, a "Live Breathing Cash Machine" is programmed to attract great ideas and he knows exactly what to do to generate cash on demand.
But the good thing is this:
Once you have been able to reprogram your mind into that of a "live breathing cash machine'" money worries will no longer be a part of your worries.
Many people struggle and worry about money throughout their lives because they do not understand this truth - or because they do not know how to apply it.
However, I believe you can turn yourself into a live breathing cash MACHINE if you really want to badly... and if you know what to do.
That is regardless of your age, gender or certificate.
I can't help you with your desire but but I can help you by telling you what I have learnt about becoming a live breathing cash machine over the years.
And that is why I wrote a 100 paged easy-to-read book that explains what anyone can do to turn themselves into a Live Breathing Cash Machine.
I Actually Titled the Book:
How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

Jegede Yomi
Founder at Leaders Hub

" Thanks Coach. This book is just awesome! I'm reading it for the second time now. It's one of those few books I intend to read at least 7 times in a lifetime."
Here's Just a Fraction of What's Inside the Book And What It Might Mean For You:
When You Get This Book, You Will Also Get 2 Special Bonuses Worth N40,000
How to Design & Write Website Copy That Sell
One of the special things about "Live Breathing Cash Machines" is that they know how to sell ideas, products and services.
That is why you are getting a copy of my highly recommended report titled “How to design and write website copy that sell”
This bonus report alone could easily be sold for N15,000 - but you are getting it free.
Value: N15,000
Special Newsletters on Selling & Marketing From the Man Who Made Me Rich
One of the people I and others learned from to become a "Live Breathing Cash Machine is a man called Gary Halbert.
He is now late but when he was alive, he wrote a series of newsletters where he shared his genius ideas on making money, selling and marketing.
I have packaged these newsletters into 3 groups for you to easily study and digest them
You will also get this special package as a bonus.
Value: N25,000
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Regular Price: N18,000
Here Is Everything You Are Getting Today For Just N5000
MAIN: A copy of my book titled: "How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash ATM"
BONUS 1: A copy of How to Design and Write Website Copy That Can Make You Rich
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NOTE: Only digital copies are available.
Ordering for this book is simple.
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Paystack gives you instant access once you make payment.
I wish you success in all your endeavours.
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